On the 11th of May 2018 I wanted to one of my photography friends in favour of doing my picture for my EP event to her school to take a few pictures. It really was a great experience going there and trying different techniques and taking different types of pictures from my EP. My previous research on what I wanted to do was quite basic I tried to keep as simple as possible. My first idea was to do a 90s vibe picture with 90s filters and 90s hairstyle. The second idea was to do a vibrant background with my tribal painting on my face.
I decided to do the second idea but didn’t go to plan at first. The first issue was the background I wanted at first it to be a black background but because of the lighting The pictures didn’t come out too great. After that decision we had to change the background to yellow and a red background. We first began with yellow background and we chose red and orange lighting. We had to put coloured sugar paper on the lights because the lights were too bright so we chose red and orange, this didn’t go too well because in the camera gave out a purple and green colour. So we decided to use a much darker red and purple for the lighting even though there was a bit of the colour green in some of the pictures,The picture came out great. After using the yellow background we decided to use the orange and red background, We decided to use this background as the 90s vibe picture,The pictures for this background came out perfect. After that we decided to edit the photos and choose which one we liked best. We chose about 10 photos to edit.Of the pictures we use Altos three of them as my EP cover. I don’t seem to like all of the three pictures so I decided to edit some of my old pictures at circular summer and I chose one of them instead of the ones we had done at the time. The reason why I chose the old photos instead of the recent ones is because I felt that the old pictures related to the message I was trying to get across in my EP, Which was being the Nubian queen and embracing who you are. Chose the photo with me with an Afro. The editing process was pretty easy to do because the camera Will use was good quality and much of the photos that have previously given her I had slightly edited before.Overall I have right now 4 Ep covers I can choose from. But I have decided to use the picture with the Afro. This experience was definitely something new and I really enjoyed myself while doing something that was educational based.
I decided to do the second idea but didn’t go to plan at first. The first issue was the background I wanted at first it to be a black background but because of the lighting The pictures didn’t come out too great. After that decision we had to change the background to yellow and a red background. We first began with yellow background and we chose red and orange lighting. We had to put coloured sugar paper on the lights because the lights were too bright so we chose red and orange, this didn’t go too well because in the camera gave out a purple and green colour. So we decided to use a much darker red and purple for the lighting even though there was a bit of the colour green in some of the pictures,The picture came out great. After using the yellow background we decided to use the orange and red background, We decided to use this background as the 90s vibe picture,The pictures for this background came out perfect. After that we decided to edit the photos and choose which one we liked best. We chose about 10 photos to edit.Of the pictures we use Altos three of them as my EP cover. I don’t seem to like all of the three pictures so I decided to edit some of my old pictures at circular summer and I chose one of them instead of the ones we had done at the time. The reason why I chose the old photos instead of the recent ones is because I felt that the old pictures related to the message I was trying to get across in my EP, Which was being the Nubian queen and embracing who you are. Chose the photo with me with an Afro. The editing process was pretty easy to do because the camera Will use was good quality and much of the photos that have previously given her I had slightly edited before.Overall I have right now 4 Ep covers I can choose from. But I have decided to use the picture with the Afro. This experience was definitely something new and I really enjoyed myself while doing something that was educational based.

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