Thursday 13 October 2016



The skills I believe I posses as a musician, is that I'm able to be consistent, reliable, creative, and have a good sense of team work. Consistency as a musician means to me that you have to be motivated to learn new things, and also to give assessment's on time. I presume that reliability and creativity is certainly Important in the music industry, because if you are unable to come in on time, or you rely a lot on others for creative thoughts, people will not choose you as a partner to create music with. Team work is important because in the music industry you will have to work with people that have different personalities and background and if you allow that to affect you, you will find it  harder to develop in the music industry.

as a student I poses determination, organisation, concentration and good listening skills. I believe that determination is important because it allows you to be more eager to learn something you enjoy doing. Organisation is important as a student because if you are unable to collect all your important paper work or information, you would be lost in class. Concentration  is a vital key to have while studying, because if you didn't have any you wouldn't understand what you are learning and you would also be behind in class. If  you are easily distracted and have poor listening skills you wouldn't learn anything in class and you would also be behind, that's why I believe that good listening skills is a important part of learning .Manuela in my class believes that I'm very organised and eager to learn new things in class, but she would like me to be more confident with my capabilities.

Miyako Caird in my class is one of the most reliable students because she is always on time, she has a good amount of knowledge in music, and she is determined to learn more in class. She also works well with everyone in the class no matter the situation. Reece Haughton  is also another committed students but the only thing that is different between him and Miyako is that he is a quick learner and also has creative ability to make music in a short amount of time.

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