Wednesday 7 December 2016





There were many social issues and world events happening during the 60s such as sexuality, drugs, the women's liberation, and the space race.  My interpretation  
.Civil Rights movement
The Civil rights Movement was a social movement trying to end racial segregation and discrimination, upon coloured and African American citizens in America. Civil rights movement outlawed segregations in schools, public places, and places of jobs.
Change’s gonna come (by Sam cook) is a song based on the impact of racial segregation that restricted many people of colour to follow their dreams. In the song it says, 'oh and just like the river I've been running ever since' my interpretation of this phrase makes me believe that the singer would never want to go back to his past and through the trauma and abuse he went through living in a segregated world. I also believe that this song has a great affect in today’s society as coloured people are still going through racial issues and police brutality. The continuous repeat of ‘change is gonna come’ seems to show more effect on the word hope to motivate the black community to follow their dreams and to fight for what is right.    

Strange Fruit (by Billie Holiday) is a song based on the lynching law that was enforced in many states in America. She gives a graphical description of what people went through by giving a melancholic description of a hanging body. Holliday also shows how white Americans had so much hatred against blacks in the south that they enjoyed abusing and torturing them.  According to the lyrics it says ,' The bulging eyes and the twisted so mouth Scent of magnolias, sweet and fresh Then the sudden smell of burning flesh'. This phrase explains the agony and pain these innocent victims went through just for being Black. I believe that the lyrics from this song brought awareness to the general population

 Say it out loud I'm black and I'm proud (by James Brown) is a motivational up beat piece, that mainly talks about the poor treatment of coloured people. It explains how Blacks should fight for what is right. “Say it loud, I'm black and I'm proud”, is a phrase that is continuously repeated throughout the piece allowing black communities to believe that they are powerful and beautiful within themselves. From my point of view this song is effective in today society because Black communities are being greatly targeted stereotypically in certain issues.  All these singers were all inspired by this movement, to bring empowerment and joy inside coloured people that had suffered for many years. These singers wanted to be a voice that could change life through music.
James brown: was a soul artist during the mid-60s and prior. James worked his way to the top of the funk and R&B music genre, becoming exceptionally popular. He is also known as the "The Godfather of Soul," with His unique vocal range and musical style influenced many artists such as, Michael Jackson, Chris Brown, and usher etc.  During the mid-60s James began interacting with social movements, for example the civil rights movement. He also created songs such as don’t be A Dropout and say it out loud I’m black and I’m proud to uplift society during its hard times. I believe that James Brown music was inspirational as it allowed different ethnicities to come together and create peace within each other. I think that James Brown music opened a lot of doors in the music industry and allowed people to be free of whom they are.

Soul: is a popular genre that started in America during the 1950s till the 1960s. It’s a combination of African American gospel, blues and jazz. Soul was mainly used for dancing and listening at parties or clubs, during the civil rights era. Record companies such as MO town, stax and Atlantic are well known for producing soul music and artist  during the 50s and 60s. Rock hall of fame says,' soul is "music that arose out of the black experience in America through the transmutation of gospel and rhythm & blues into a form of funky, secular testifying".

.Vietnam war
Vietnam war  also known as the Resistance war. It was a war between the Americans and the Vietnam people. The Vietnam War was a struggle between nationalist forces trying to unify the country. Songs such as 2+2=?  by the bob Seger system which was released in 1968, talks about how a  high school buddy went to Vietnam and now is unfortunately dead in a unknown 'foreign  jungle land'. Another song named 21st century schizoid man king crimson, talks about how politician created the war and did not contribute with the war,  but put innocent people into a war  that they never understood. These songs are anti-war songs produced in the 60s, to restrict any more death from happening and to also end the war. Bob Seger is an American singer songwriter, guitarist and also a pianist. Motown was the first major label to offer him a contract. Bob Seger also recorded as Bob Seger and the Last Heard and Bob Seger System throughout the 1960s. Bob Seger was an artist that brought many people together by musically influencing a change in the world at the time. Both Seger  and James Brown music has influenced me by allowing me to be able to write lyrics that everyone can relate to, it has also given me the confidents to able to express my emotion through music.
Heartland Rock
 Heartland rock is a rock genre that had great commercial succsess with singers such as Bruce Springer, Bob Seger, Tom Petty, and John Mellencamp. Heartland rock is rock & roll mixed with Americana more streamlined than garage rock. It uses more of string instruments and less of synthesizers. Heartland rock is as an influence on artists such as Billy Joel and Kid Rock, who have also performed  with John Mellencamp and recorded a duet with Bob Seger, for the latter's Face the Promise album.

Political Issues in The 60s
Nelson Mandela
Nelson Rolihala Mandela  was a South African apartheid revolutionary, politician and also was a philanthropist. He served as the president of South Africa from 1994-1999. . He spent 27 years in prison for trying to overthrow the pro-apartheid government. . The Song Ndodemnyama (meaning beware Verwoerd) by Miram Mekeba. Miram  did not mention Mandela in the song but did warn Hendrick Verwoerd, the  architect of the apartheid of the struggle to come. Other songs such as free Nelson Mandela (by The Specials), Mandela Bring him Back home by  Hugh Maskela, where inspired to release Mandela. 
Voting Age
The 26th amendment lowered the age to vote from 21 to 18. This allowed millions of young people to be actively part of the democrat process. The 26th Amendment was the fastest constitutional amendment to have an impact in History. It took a group of young activists from the national education association in the 60s to allow this law to be created. This march began in the midst of the Vietnam war. Students started marching  with slogans such as 'Old enough to fight, old enough to vote'. This gained a lot of  popularity  with some groups hoping to change the system for good.
John F Kennedy
John F Kennedy  was elected in 1960 and was the 35th president of the United States of America. He was youngest man and also the first Roman Catholic to ever hold in office. Unfortunately J.F.K was assassinated on November 22nd 1963, in Dallas Texas. Songs such as The Sound of Silence" - Simon & Garfunkel (1964),"The Warmth of the Sun" - The Beach Boys (1964), "Seconds" - The Human League (1981),  and “Less Than Zero (Dallas Version)” - Elvis Costello (1977) are songs based on his influential reign as the 35th president.

 60s Music Industry
How did the music industry evolve in the 6os?
During the 60s the global communication around the world had rapidly improved from the 50s. There was also improved technology such as Morse codes, sounds synths  and the first polyphonic synths were created. New advancements mostly began in the 60s. The Beatles were the first mega band to ever write and perform their songs, which brought more wealthy people into noticing the records sales levels, and so they began creating much larger investments to the record companies. This allowed improvements in studios, shows, and more records were being produced.  Merchandising increased through live events which improved income in the music industry. This technique carried on for years , which meant more artist were coming, more  better labels deals and distribution.


 The 60s Influenced new genres such as Neo Soul, Phsycaldelic rock, Beat music, Surf rock, Garage and Blues music to be created. Rock and Roll was the main genre for the 60s, however there was a lot of people who disliked and believed that it was unpleasant, or it is part of devil music. But the Musicians themselves believed that the words were extremely important in these songs.  I believe that the way we are able to express ourselves easily through music is because of the 60s. It had an enormous impact on how much freedom, equality, and rights we have in today’s society. The music was the key change in the 60s; it spoke to people in a way that could not be explained. It is believed that the 60s is one of the most rebellious decades, because of the continuous freedom movements and riots. The reason why I love the music from this decade because it extremely influential, inspirational and unique

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