Thursday 8 December 2016


                                                      REHEARSAL DIARY

.What have focused on this week?
.What did you?
.When did you do it?
.Did you rehearsal show any weakness?
.What are your targets next week.


This week I have tried to learn reading notes on music sheets, learning E major scale on guitar, and trying to learn new chords on the guitar. Everyday I practiced doing the E major scale in different places. I'm also learning where certain notes are on the guitar. My rehearsal did not show any weakness because I prepared for the classes and I knew what I wanted to do in class. My target next week is to be able to do the minor scale on the note E and be able to easily do the E major scale. I would also like to try using different chords such as D minor 7, #C minor 7, and A minor.


This week I have been trying to learn the minor scale in E and I have also learnt new basic chords such as A minor, C,  B, D, E, and A on the guitar. In Tuesdays workshop we did Superstitious  by Stevie wonders and I didn't use the original chords, I decided to make my own chords for the group which were, Dminor7,#Cminor7,Cminor7. In Tuesday guitar classes we learn the pentatonic in the E note. I don't show any weaknesses in rehearsal because I had produced the chords before the lesson. One issue I had was that I wasn't able to help my pianist out because I didn't know the chords I was playing, so during the performance the pianist sounded way out of key and it made our version of superstitious sound awful. My goal next week is to be able to do the E major, A major scale, E minor scale in different places and learn a new scale.


This week in guitar lesson we learnt the minor pentatonic in E on Tuesday lesson. I have mainly focused on practicing the scales I have learnt for the past few weeks, and also been trying to learn different chords. I now know where all the notes are on the guitar and I'm now using the chords I've learnt in class in band workshop. in band workshop we tried working on superstitious again because we didn't complete it last week, so I didn't show any struggles as it was just a repeat from last week . Next week I would like to learn a new scale, and be able to play all the scales that I have learnt in reverse.

Tuesday guitar lesson we learnt the blue scales it was to learn because it is similar to the pentatonic scale but u just include an #A as the third note. In band workshop I was in the hounds of love group, it was much harder than it usually is because I had come with the notes from the song, but the whole group suggested that we should change the song completely. We struggled to find some chords but at the end we did. I believe rehearsal could been better if I and the group were a bit organised. my next target is to learn more chords.


 In Tuesday guitar lessons we learnt the Dminor pentatonic  scale in two octaves, I learnt how to find threat chords, and I learnt how to play the minor, major, minor pentatonic, blue scales on the A note. in Band workshop we changed the chords up for hounds of love to A, B, and D. there were no weaknesses this week. my aim is to learn and memorize everything I've learnt for the past month and not forget it. 


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