Thursday 4 January 2018

Evaluation novemeber gig


For this gig we had to be independent with the planning promotion and organization. It was learning
block for everyone in the class as we all learnt something new. The overall concert was not the
best performances we have done, as it wasn't as organised  to the best of our capabilities.  
Before the concert trying to organise  everything  was hectic, nobody new what to do because the
planned had changed countless of times due to changes that we were not aware of until the last minute.
But overall everything went well regarding the bar, equipment and the musicians needs. However
the performances of the bands were not to the best of their capabilities.
You could tell that the first band was not full rehearsed instrumentally and vocally, even though the
audience could tell  they was still supported by cheering them on.
However my band Gold Attack was not perfect either, one  of our vocalist had lost their voice due
to previous practices they had strained their voice. And our bass player was not fully prepared to
perform as she did not come to all of the rehearsals, and on top of that the bass that had been
given to us was broken and also had no strap. The bass was terrible it was to loud and it would turn
off an on. To make it even worse the bass player was out of time with guitar and as I the guitarist it
affected me because i would try and help but it just made things worse so i had stop listening to
the bass player and be independent. For our band the guitar was the main instruments
for most of the songs so I had to be fully rehearsed. Vocals for our band were not to bad but the
harmonizing  could have been better.

This is the background for the posters we made for the show.

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