Thursday 4 January 2018

Communication in the industry


Social Media
Social media has allowed music streaming apps and websites to gain more popularity, as well
as allowing artist to have more control and rights over their music. For example in 2016 alone
20 billion hours of music had been played on spotify. Listeners have better access and choice
of music, as there are countless of apps that have low cost or even free audio on the internet.
As the development and usage increase of the internet,  it has had an affect on the music industry from having mainstream record labels to small independent labels, and also allowing music Fans to have a quicker and easier demand of the music. Social media has allowed small communities to benefit through having closer access, to their favourite artist through apps such as twitter, instagram,  facebook and many more.

Music Press
The music presses job is to promote the hottest topics of the time and criticise events. If an upcoming artist catches small attention from these journalist  it could change their whole career completely. Music presses have quite an impact in the music industry, The more attention the industry gets  the more profit it will gain. And this form of entertainment is also free publicity for businesses as well as artists. Another form of promotion within the industry is a press kit. This kit was traditionally used to promote a new release or a tour. Within the kit it included a bio, promo CD, Press release, press clippings and many more. Most press kits included all the factors need to promote an artist. The disadvantages of having these press kit is that it was extremely expensive, only the most popular and successful artist were able to pay so much money.

Blogging is a form of social networking, bloggers don't only produce written content for their viewers but can also create a social associations with their fans. The purpose for blogs within the music industry is to help with the promotion of artists or new genres, anything that is able to benefit the industry they will use to advertise and promote their company.

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