Sunday 26 November 2017



What are your career goals

I wish to be a  professional recording artist, songwriter/producer and have an independent label. I also want to be able to express myself in different creative ways and not only through music, such as visual arts and fashion.

where do you want to be? Be as specific as possible.

I hope to be a professional artist and create an Independent label. I want to be in a situation in which I can create a great impact within the music industry. I would like to make a change in places where people are less fortunate, and can have better access to information, technology and education.

Who are your role models? What did these people do in order to get to their position?

Eykah Badu
 Her unique persona and inspirational lyrics intrigue me. I also love they way  that she is an independent artist and she gained popularity for being herself and out of the ordinary. It is very rare to find an artist that doesn't sit in just one category or even follow any trends, hence the reason why I would love to see her live or even in person so I  could learn certain things about the music industry, independence, and knowing my identity before entering into the industry.

Erykah was part of the arts at a quite early age, as she use to perform in Dallas show cases. Badu also freestyled on radio station under the name DJ Apples It was until Kader Massenburg caught onto one of her demos and decided to sign her, whilst pairing her with D'angelo, who at the time was another up and coming Neo-soul artist. 1997 Baduizm  Erykah Badu first album came out and it gained a lot of popularity. This album has been said to marked a shift in music history with creating the Neo-soul movement. Baduizm recieved critical acclaim and also one Erykah her first Grammy Awards. In 1999 she created collabed with the known hip hop group The Roots, creating the song You Got Me. this song gave her another Grammy later that year. Whilst in the same year Badu also made her big screen debut in The Cider House Rules. Between 1999-2014 Badu carried on to create more unique knowledgeable, but her popularity has slightly declined over the past few years. Badu is still considered as the queen of Neo-soul, inspirational and legend.

How can you mimic their career path
The way I would attempt to follow erykah's career path is to do, more live performances and also create a demo or EP, and publish it on social media  such as YouTube , Soundcloud and any other social media so I can get recognition. I would try to gain a small amount of popularity around my community so I could get access to people in the music industry, so my demos or recordings can  reach record labels. I believe that another that could help me is to collab  with new artist or even trying to work with upcoming independent labels.


What steps are you going to take to achieve your goals? Be specific, break it
down into all the small steps.

  1. Create an EP and get recognition on social media and websites.
  2. Create a band
  3. Create artwork for the covers my EP and albums
  4. Do my own videography for my songs
  5. Perform in live concerts or pubs to get known around the community.
  6. Try and ask for funding to create full album
  7. Create social media or websites to promote my music
  8. Create an album
For my final major project I am hoping to create an EP, that I will be promoting on social media and other websites such as Bandcamp, Soundcloud etc.  I also would like to create a band with a few of my classmates.
My portfolio will be a mixture of mood boards, art work, pictures (photography),  produced music, acoustic recordings and videography. I'm going to create an EP as my FMP(Final Major Project), and hopefully be able to create a video for one of my songs from my EP. I also want to create  artwork for my EP cover.

isplayed? Justify your decisions based on what you have learnt in your research.

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