Friday 24 November 2017


I would like to have funding for an arts day benefiting ethnicities that have been affected socially. This would be located in large urban areas The profit that I hope to earn through these activities will be donated to charity where it will help neighbourhoods that are less fortunate.
The whole event will mainly present historical facts that are not taught in the academic system such as, the destruction of civilizations, cultures in different continents, segregation, slavery, and more.  It will also display activities that promote understanding your identity. Competitions such as art, fashion, literature(poems) and music will be available.They will be opportunities for up and coming artist to perform, display and promote their art.

I believe the activities that I will display will help the public understand the lost history that they have never been able to learn. also being able to have access to resources that would benefit and help develop themselves. If they are not intrigued by any of my activities I hope in the future to try and create my events into something that they could relate to such as  popular videos on social media, artist, or even new artist that they could relate to. I would like engage with all ages, I believe that nobody can stop learning, so I believe everyones capable of learning a large amount through the activities I hope to present.

My event will be touring to certain areas within London mainly diverse urban areas, as the knowledge I hope to promote through activities will connect with people from a mixture of ethnicity. I hope to publish this event mainly through social media and leaving posts in stores around London.

1 You and your work
  • What you want to do.
  • The names, skills and experience of the artists and other main people involved.
  • Describe the aims of the activity and how you will achieve them.
  • How this activity fits in with your current work and its future development.
  • How the activity is likely to affect the people who experience it, or how it will affect the arts more widely.
  • If your activity is touring tell us why the work is going to be presented at the venues you have listed and your relationship with the promoters you give in your tour schedule.
2 How the public engage with your work

  • Details about the people the activity will reach (for example, the audiences or people taking part) will any of these be people who may not normally engage with the arts (see our information sheet ‘Public Engagement’).
  • How you will reach people and details of your press and marketing activities.
  • If there is no immediate chance to engage people (for example, some research and development activities), tell us how you have thought about the ways the public could be engaged in the future.
  • If your activity is for developing new audiences and marketing give details of the target audience you want to reach and why they are important to you.
3 Making it happen 
  • How far you have got with your planning.
  • How you will manage the main stages of your activity, and what each stage contains.
  • Your past experience of successfully managing a similar activity [or other relevant experience]
This information is taken from the guidelines offered by the Arts Council England

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