Tuesday 9 May 2017

FMP project proposal

 Project proposal  

 I will be creating 3 songs and a cover acoustically and will be performing as live performance with a band. Most of my work is design  mainly for solo performances (guitar and vocals) me My weakest area is my performance because allow my nerves to over power and restrict from performing well as I should. For this final project I will be performing with more confidents and also have the leading vocals in all the songs I perform. My research plan is to split my research into primary and secondary research. The primary research is based on Information  about my final major project, so it will contain interviews of people explaining the positive and negative things about my performance of my songs and what I need to improve. The secondary research is based on research that already exists, so I'll be searching about genres and artist that I want to relate more with.

My case studies is going to be based on 2-3 different artist from the Neo-Soul genre. I'll be searching about their songwriting techniques, their background and the reason why I am influenced by their music . Methodolgy : I'm going to be creating my songs and organising who is in my group in the first week. Week 2 :I should have been able  complete all my songs and oraganise the structure of my band , also should have written my proposal and have some secondary research. Week 3: I should have completed all my songs and my proposal and be organising my research more and be able to work with my band more. Week 4 : Everything should have been completed including written and practical work. Week 5 I will perform in the concert and complete my evaluation and make sure all my other work corrected. My collaboration are Amina, Sade, Daniele, Ivan, Morgan, Reahana, Kessana and Beatrice.

Introduction: I will be forming a band writing 3 original songs from scratch and fuse both neo soul R&B together to create my own sound. At the end of the term I will performing them live in the summer concert.  

ContextMost of my work is design mainly for solo performances (guitar and vocals), so for this project I will form a band, and see how I will be able to construct and organise the overall project.

Outline research plan:

 My research plan is to split my research into primary and secondary research. The primary research is based on Information about my final major project, so it will contain interviews of people explaining the positive and negative things about my performance, songs and what I need to improve. The secondary research is based on research that already exists, so I'll be searching about genres and artist that I will be able to relate my music more with.

Case StudiesMy case studies are going to be based on 2-3 different artist from the Neo-Soul genre. I'll be searching about their songwriting techniques, background and explaining how I am going to relate their music with my own. 

Methodology: To achieve my goals within my project i would need to have: strong communication skills with my band and teachers, be organised before going to sessions, I have recordings and written work for back up and also to help my band, and for each week I will set targets on what i need to improve and include. 

 Week 1 I will be creating my songs and organising who is in my group in the first week. 

Week 2 :I should have been able complete all my songs and oraganise the structure of my band. I should also have written my proposal and have some secondary research.

Week 3: I should have completed all my songs and my proposal and be organising my research more and be able to work with my band more. 

Week 4 : Everything should have been completed including written and practical work. 

Week 5 I will perform in the concert and complete my evaluation and make sure all my other work is  corrected. 

My collaboration are Amina, Sade, Morgan, Kessana.

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